French army artillery manoeuvres in the Cossack barracks at the end of the Great War, Odessa, Ukraine, between December 1918 and March 1919
-  M Jpeg / 2656 × 1828 / 2.6 Mo
- XXL Tiff / 7967 × 5483 / 23.3 Mo
From 12,00 €
Sold By : Collection : WWI Eastern Front/Balkans
SKU: 813173521
Categories: Archives, B&W
Tags: AFO, Allied Army of the East, archives, armistice, army, b&w, Balkan, Barracks, black and white, debacle, defeat, donkeys, dust, First World War, fort, fortress, French Army, French Army of the East, Great War, gunners, handling, historical, history, horses, industrial, industry, landscape, men, military, mules, Odessa, officers, peninsula, posts, regiments, Russia, scratches, sky, soldiers, tasks, Ukraine, victory, war, wires, World War I